Pastoral References for Catholic School Board Applications

Frequently we receive requests for Pastoral Reference Letters from people who are seeking employment with the Catholic School Board. Because of the seriousness of this reference, and the rightful expectations of parents and the Church, those planning to teach in our Catholic schools should be practicing Catholics who are genuinely trying to live their faith.

Therefore, before requesting a Pastoral Reference, please ensure the following:

You are a registered member of St. Patrick Parish, Fallowfield for at least 6 month before requesting the reference.

  • You are truly trying to attend Mass in person each Sunday.
  • You participate in the sacramental and pastoral life of the parish community.
  • You are in good canonical standing within the Church.
  • You support the work and mission of the Church.

Pastoral Reference Letter Request Form

This form is for individuals seeking Pastoral Reference Letters, required for employment with the Catholic School Board.

Are you a registered parishioner of St. Patrick Parish, Fallowfield?(Required)
How often do you attend Mass?(Required)
Tell us about yourself or ask a question.

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